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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Rush Holt
U.S. Representative (D-New Jersey)
CSPAN 05/22/2014
Holt: but it still falls woefully short. This legislation still allows the government to collect everything they want against Americans. To treat Americans as suspects first and citizens second. It still allows decisions about whom to target and how aggressively to go after acquaintances of acquaintances of targets to be made by mid level employees, not federal judges. Most important, the fundamental decisions under this will be made by a -- against a weak and inferior standard that does not reach probable cause. So that the government can spy on people based on weak suspicions and not on legally established probable cause. Now, my friends say don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. The perfect, how could anyone here vote for legislation that doesn't uphold the constitutional standard of probable cause?
Rush Holt
U.S. Representative (D-New Jersey)
CSPAN 05/22/2014
Holt: Probable cause has been well established in law for two centuries to keep Americans secure by keeping intelligence and enforcement officers focused on real threats. Not on vague suspicions or wild goose chases. A decade ago there was a major change in the relationship between Americans and their government. This bill does not correct it.
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